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March 28, 2010 / Samer Baydoun

What to call Twishort Twitter Service, Microblogging or Blogging?

Before closing my laptop to go bed, I’ve got a mention on twitter says “@samer_baydoun use new service when 140 characters just isn’t enough. 😉. I hurried to try it.

I found a twitter service that’s all about cuting the long post to the allowed limit and automatically posting it to Twitter with a link.  Following that link will show the whole post at Twishort page.

On Twishort website they present the service as:

“We really love Twitter for the limit of 140 characters. But sometimes there is a need to give a long answer, clarify challenging question, quote somebody’s words, etc. There are good thoughts, but not as meaningful for the blog, or just thoughts, for which 140 characters is not enough.”

But this way Twitter will play the role of chat/IM, which is away from its concept. So is Twishort seeing twitter as an IM client that needs help?

From another perspective, Twishort is trying to make micro posts longer while blogging is trending more towards microblogging, so what kind of trend is it? are we getting to milliblogging?

I am wondering about the future of this twitter service, and will be wondering more if it succeeded.

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